In the past few weeks it has been hard to go an hour without saying "Uganda", "Isaac", "Ugi" (our nickname for our adoptive son before we were matched -it stuck), or "adoption". It has become even more fun as we watch this process becoming real for all of you. We are now asked on a daily basis "Can we get together before you leave?" or "are you getting excited?" Our bags are literally already packed. I have been planning this trip for months (years). Our final days are full, but balanced. I have been careful to protect our time so that we don't leave on this journey already burnt out. I am a people pleaser by nature, but saying "no thank you" or "I wish we could," has had to be come a regular thing. Leaving space to treasure these last days is important. We could not be more thankful for all the support we have received from friends and family. Thank you.
As this adoption blends more and more with our daily lives it's hard to sort out the "significant" moments to blog about. It's just our life now. Everyday is full of picking up something at the store or preparing one last thing. Monday I spent a good portion of the day cleaning and sanitizing the turtle tank so that Cruiser will be okay in our absence. Is that noteworthy? Probably not, but it's all a part of preparing for the next step in this journey.
I did wonder what the check out lady at Wal-Mart thought the day I purchased all this:
I have been incredibly thankful for my husband who has been handling all of the paperwork. Do you have any idea how many forms it takes to adopt a child? They are all titled some combination of letters and numbers that makes my head spin. I could not be more greatful for Bill as he takes on this challenge. This has been the scene in our dinning room for weeks:
Another truly beautiful thing that has happened this past month is something I have my father to thank for. My Dad's boss, Erik, has an adopted son and Erik recently started a support group for adoptive fathers that meets once a month on Thursday evenings at Panera. This dad's group was birthed out of a support group for families that Bill and I have attended a few times. Even though my dad is not an adoptive father, he has questions, frustrations, and a desire to love Isaac like his own. My dad has been welcomed into this support group with open arms. After the first meeting he attended, my dad called Bill and his dad and invited them to join this support group too. Sure enough October's support group hosted 3 men all dedicated to loving one sweet boy, Isaac. I'm not sure Erik new what he was getting himself into when he told my dad he could come to a meeting, but I am so thankful for these men and their willingness to be open about this process. When I told my social worker about it, she cried.
This month we also survived vaccination day. I picked up Cara from school and after a few brief tears (and a cupcake) she was ready to be brave for her brother. Our doctor was great and took the time to explain to all three of us the risks of travel and precautions we could take to stay healthy (it always helps when Cara hears these things from someone other than me. She still tries new foods because Dr. Niedswicki told her she needed to try at least one bite if it was something she had never had before.). Nearly $2,000 later all three of us were covered in glittery band aids and full vaccinated. Then we headed off to Friendly's and Cara enjoyed the sweet reward of being brave. Ice cream fixes just about anything.
We also found out last week that 6 more children from our orphanage have been matched! This must have been beautiful news for these families. After experiencing the wait and the longing to connect with our child we quickly offered to bring care packages from these families to their little ones waiting in Uganda. I also hope to be able to take videos and photos of these kids for their families. These things are so rare and precious for adoptive families. Ken and Cathy recently sent us a picture of Isaac holding the lion we sent him and it brought us such great joy. I cannot wait to do this for other families.
It is hard to believe that we will actually be there soon. We are savoring these precious moments. Bill and I took one last date day in NYC last week and simply enjoyed walking together through our favorite city sampling from restaurants along the way. Over the weekend I snuggled with Cara during nap time and thanked God for everyday that I have had the privilege of being her mom. It's easy to long for what's next and miss what is now. We are asking God to lead us on this journey with our eyes wide open. I don't want to miss a thing.
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