Friday, March 27, 2015

Hope Heals the Heartbreak

The old saying "When God closes a door he opens a window" is really annoying to hear when you're going through the pain of loosing an opportunity your heart longed for. For the record so is "God has a plan" and all the other sayings that are absolutely true, but can feel really hurtful in the wrong moment. Thankfully, no one said those things to us when we experienced our first real loss as parents. I can still remember the pain of hearing we might not get Simon. I remember calling my good friend (who happens to be my Pastor and boss) and croaking out the words "we might loose Simon." It was the day before our Simon Says Sing Fundraiser that we had worked hard all summer to produce. I remember my neighbor taking Cara and I to Chick-fila so the girls could play and I would be distracted from waiting for the phone call.

Just after that we went on a family vacation and every time I look at those pictures I am reminded of how hard it was to enjoy the summer sun while part of me already knew.

Well, we finally found Simon's window.

A few weeks ago Simon's mother, Sharon, came back to the babies home. She has visited him a few times since he was born but it was my understanding that no one had heard from her recently. Sharon has recently found a decent home for herself and her health has improved. She came back to the babies home to seek out Simon. The babies home staff contacted us to let us know that they would be doing a home inspection, but they were considering granting her request to be reunited with Simon.

I am pleased to share that the inspection and interview went well and Simon is now home with his birth mother! Bill and I have agreed to take on all of Simon's expenses as a way to help make this a permanent solution for Simon. We will be paying for his food, clothing, toys, medical expenses and school fees. Ken and Cathy have agreed to help us with this by purchasing the items and directly delivering them to Simon for us. This means they will have regular contact with him and we will get updates!

I hope you will join me in regularly praying for Sharon and Simon. I am asking God to continue to protect Sharon's health so that she and Simon can have many long years together. I am also praying for protection over their home and safety. Lastly, please pray for Simon & the nannies as they transitions from 3+ years together at the babies home to sending Simon back into the loving arms of his mother.

Simon, Bill & Isaac on our last day at the babies home.

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