Friday, January 16, 2015

Day to Day

Thank you for joining us in the waiting. Several people have asked about a blog update, but it's hard to know what to say when what is happening is waiting.
Most days are probably similar to yours at home. The kids wake up, we get dressed, go to breakfast and then find ways to play until lunch. After lunch we wash Isaac and then both kids lay down for a bit (some days Cara stays up to play cards with us). When the kids wake up we venture back outside, usually to the pool (sorry to all of you who are frozen back in NJ) until we are cold or exhausted. Then we change, wash again, and get ready for dinner. If there is time before dinner we take a walk as a family.
All this seems uneventful to blog about, but for us it is truly a treasure. Each moment is spent knowing that our time here is a blessing. Who else gets six straight weeks with their husband? We wake up at the same time, eat at the same time, and fall asleep together every night. We find ourselves joking "remember when we had two kids?" It is still so new to us that sometimes it is hard to believe it is true.
It isn't all sunshine and vacation though. We have our fair share of time outs and bickering. Mommy has had her grumpy days when she didn't sleep well the night before. In addition, Cara gets hurt every 5 min so keeping her alive is like a full time job. She loves to explore new paths or walk old paths in new ways, but it usually results in some tears and a band aid. Isaac is happy to chase after her and mimic her every move. This morning they walked back from breakfast talking on their banana phones. Cara pretended to call Nana and Isaac did his best to repeat every word she said on his own phone but most of it sounded like "ah bah dah dah da?"
People have commented that we are always teaching. Every moment is an opportunity to bring Isaac further into our world. "Fork", "spoon", "tree", "red", "blue", "help" etc. We teach him to swim, we teach him not to throw things indoors or at people and we teach him how to express his needs without a tantrum. We have come so far in just a few short weeks. Remember the child who stared blankly, could barely speak and drooled constantly? You would never know Isaac was the same boy. The days are still long and exhausting but when I look back in my journal to where we were just days ago, I am reminded that we are making progress. All of this repetition is worth it, he is learning and most importantly he feels safe. I am so thankful that we have had this time in country to earn his trust, we will need it on the next leg of our journey together.

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