Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Power of One

As we (hopefully) near the end of our time here in Uganda I have been struck by a theme I am seeing emerge from our experiences. We have seen first hand what the power of one person can do.
I remember learning in college while going through a difficult time, that "One + God is always enough." No matter what you are facing if you cling to God you will have all that you need to make it through. 2 Tim 3:16-17 says "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Hebrews 13:21 shares a similar message. I am seeing this first hand in Uganda.
Over and over we are seeing the impact that one life can make if they are willing to follow God with abandon. First, we saw it in Ken and Cathy. When we met Ken back in September he shared with us that he had a very different plan for his life, one of great success in business (i think). However, he felt God's call to help orphans (something counter cultural, most orphanages are run by foreigners) and humbly set aside his plans to follow God. They didn't have a plan or funding or clear direction but they followed God and it has led them to incredible things. In addition to the children adopted through their ministry, they have helped countless kids by nursing them back to health and reuniting them with family. Lives are forever changed because one couple followed God's call to love orphans and widows.
Similarly, we were blown away by the story of Mama Maria who started Vision for Africa (which hosts the African Village Hotel). She is a German woman who led a wonderful life and at the age of 60 God called her to Uganda to finish out her life caring for others. Her properties include schools, medical clinics (at a great discount to the community), churches, orphanages, housing for staff, retreat centers and more. Every aspect of each facility is designed to teach a life skill that can lead to a better future. Every department from housekeeping to culinary arts is working on training people for successful careers. All of the proceeds she makes from the businesses on site goes back into caring for the orphans and school children.The amount of people that have been loved and cared for by her ministries is endless. Having stayed here for so long, we are now among them. (We have received 5 star, all-inclusive, honeymoon treatment for a Budget Inn price.) All this because one woman was willing to "retire" in Uganda and love others unconditionally.
Today we also met Kenneth at Reach One Touch One Ministries in Mukono. Kenneth had planned to move his family to the United States and provide a life and education for them there. He was actually already living in the USA when God spoke to his heart and led him back to Uganda. ROTOM works with the elderly (grandparents) in Uganda. An entire generation has been wiped out by HIV and AIDS. Many elderly people not only had to spend their life savings while watching their children die, but they are now left with raising the grandchildren left behind. Kenneth saw this need and realized there was no help in sight. He started ROTOM in 2003 and has watched it grow to help over 800 elderly individuals. In addition to caring for the elderly on all levels (building them homes, taking care of all their medical needs, food needs, etc) they also sponsor and care for the grandchildren; all without removing them from their community. One man who was willing to give up his life dream of raising a family in America has created an international program that is ministering to a forgotten community.
These are just a few of the people God has allowed to cross our path during our time in Uganda. I wish you could sit and hear their testimonies first hand about how God provided the finances or the land or the volunteers and how he continues to guide them daily. It is truly humbling to sit in the presence of someone who understands what it means to leave everything and follow Jesus.
It doesn't always require an intercontinental move or starting a program from scratch. Just imagine what God could do if more of us were willing to live our lives for Him; to truly follow wherever he leads... is a thought I haven't finished yet. It leaves me speechless. I am asking God for a legacy that is bigger than me, a legacy that points directly to Him.

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