Thursday, October 16, 2014

There Are Not Enough Words

This morning started out a little cranky. I bit my tongue as not one, not two but three different cars felt the need to block the road in their own unique way on my way to and from preschool drop off this morning. I confess, the things I thought in my head were not very nice.

I knew I needed a pick me up. A hot cup of coffee, some time in Gods word or perhaps just get back in bed and try again after a quick power nap (at 8:30 am). As it turns out, checking my email was just the thing. I had an email from Ken :)

We have been waiting to hear from Ken about how we can make Christmas special at the orphanage this year. The email had some examples of a few murals they want me to paint. Check it out:

I cannot wait to get some color on the walls at the new orphanage. It is going to be a really fun way for me to keep our family busy between appointments in Uganda. 

However, that was no the best part of Ken's email. He has been back in Uganda for about a week. He has given Isaac the photobooks we sent and the nannies have been reading them to him. Ken said that last night Isaac said his sisters name in his sleep. "He is looking forward to seeing you I believe!"- Ken said in his email.


What I wouldn't give to know what he was dreaming about. I wonder if it is the same dream I have been having where they two of them are jumping on the bed in the hotel and laughing together. I pretty much spent the rest of the day over the moon about my sweet little boy. There are not enough words to describe what a beautiful moment that was for me. Somehow God is speaking to his sweet little heart and helping him to understand that he is coming HOME.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Last Trimester

It is funny how similar preparing for adoption is to preparing for your child's birth. In your heart, it's exactly the same. You wonder things like "I hope he is gaining weight." and "I hope he likes his room."

In the past week I have thought to myself "I wonder how long it will be until he sleeps soundly through the night," and "I can't wait to see his face when he tries new foods."

Tonight I started packing (just like when you prepare the bag for the hospital weeks before you'll actually need it). Here is the outfit Isaac will wear home:
I have all of Cara and Isaac's clothes packed already and a list of things I don't want to forget that is growing longer every minute: first words book, headlamps for when the power goes out, a thermometer just in case anyone gets a fever, bedtime stories about adoption...

  • This past week we received word that we officially have the Care Order we have been waiting on from the parole officer. It was the first time I've ever seen the words "Good News!" as the title in an email from our social worker LOL. Relief flooded my body. Silent tears streamed down my face as I thought "now there is nothing between me and my son but time." 
  • We found quality suitcases for $14!
  • Ken received our photobooks and stuffed lion for Isaac. He will have them very soon!

Things are getting real as we do things like check with the health insurance company to determine our coverage overseas, email Ken directly to plan service projects we can do at the orphanage (I'm painting murals!!), and collect donations of toothbrushes and things for the kids there. 

We are also doing normal things like celebrating Bill's birthday and picking out Halloween costumes (she's going to be Olaf!). It kind of feels like living six months of life in the time it takes to live two. I feel like I should have so much more to say in this post.

Mostly I am just thankful. There have been countless times over the past few weeks where I have thought to myself "I am the happiest I have ever been" and then I think about the fact that I have a new little person to love and my heart can barely take it all in at once. Cara and I often find ourselves busting out laughing those deep belly laughs and then we lock eyes and just savor the moment. Bill and I have been so busy but there have also been so many moments where we just hug one another, take a deep breath and enjoy the embrace. I write about these moments because I know I will need to hang onto them soon. I know they will soon feel like a very distant memory. As I watched friends of ours bounce their new baby girl and attempt to rock her to sleep (while she just wasn't having it) I remembered someone telling me that the first 8 weeks of having a newborn are like boot camp. If you can survive it, you'll be stronger than ever. I know that our season is coming, but just like preparing for labor and having a newborn baby, there is fear, excitement and exhaustion all at once. I can't wait and I am terrified in the same moment. I feel totally ill equipped to handle this next step, but then I look at my team. The best husband and father I have ever known and the most compassionate and smart little girl on the planet. Then I look to the coach (God). He has called us all up into the majors but I know that if we fix our eyes on him and follow his call(s) we can knock this one out of the park and storm the field as a family.
